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Errors & Omissions

Corrections to my book, "Gummy's Story" :

Unfortunately I must apologise for a few minor errors which crept into my book:

Page 76: A slightly revised Hughes family tree will go in the re-print of theJim Rankin book.

Page 97:
The caption at the foot of this page should read "The seven children of Harold and Grace Rankin ~ 1914", not 1937.

Page 41:
When I finished writing "Gummy's Story" there were inevitably various minor matters which I had been unable to resolve. In the chapter on the Cook Family I wrote that my mother Audrey's second cousin Œnid Esmé was believed to have had two daughters but in fact I find she had only one: Maureen Esmé, born in 1922, but she also had two sons, Patrick and Jerry. Having married George King Stewart in 1919, the couple sailed to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in the following year. George's reason for travelling is shown as "Mercantile Mne", whatever that may be. He was then 28, and she 24. Maureen is mentioned in Œnid's will of 1927 though not her sons - she died in Ceylon in 1931, aged only 35 - her probate granted in London 4 years later. George must have re-married as he returned to Ceylon in 1938 with a new wife, and eventually died at Maidstone in Kent in 1953. Maureen Esmé died, at the age of 90, on October 31st last year (2012), her two brothers Patrick and Jerry having predeceased her.

On the family tree the birth years of three of Peter's four daughters were out by one year which will also be corrected.

Page 122
: Pinty (Peter) Rankin has pointed out that the photo of Jim Rankin is in fact of his brother, Bob. A replacement photo (right) will go in the re-print though the two men do look very much alike.

Page 128:
The caption to the photo in the bottoim left hand corner should read Tim, Kat and Dick. I am told that Christopher's name was either stated in full or his nickname Tim was used, but never Chris.

Page 166 & inside front cover:
Unfortunately too late for the re-print: Mary Lancefield has told me that her mother's name was spelt Zita, not Zeta, and her first husband was Neil Hodges, not Donald which is his middle name.

Page 291:
The bottom photo, of Penny with Gummy was taken in 1967, not 1968.

Inside back cover:
missing are the marriage dates of Norman Rankin and Minnie (1912) and of Barbara Deane Rankin to Roderick Symon (1944) - these now added to the website Rankin Family Tree. (Correct spelling is Deane, not Deanne as in the book).
Initially Michael Rankin's two children were inadvertently linked (on the website) with those of Mottram and Alex - this now also corrected.